• Cases
  • Retail & Consumer Goods




  • Drive data-driven decision making across the business
  • Learn, adapt and improve marketing based on data-driven insights
  • Grow marketing efficiency and performance across all markets while ensuring one consistent way to measure performance over the 47 markets
  • Create synergies among markets and learn from each other


  • Be relevant. How to deal with such huge amount of data and select the ones that will help to answer real business questions?
  • Trust in Data. How to cultivate a new habit of trusting and using data as a basis for decisions?
  • Embrace change. How to engage the 47 markets of Miele to use the dashboard as a regular routine to support them in their daily work?
  • Be actionable. How to turn the data-driven insights into real actions to create impact?


In order to understand the challenges and business questions faced by the diverse stakeholders, numerous expert interviews were conducted. Having the most relevant business questions for Miele and for the industry in mind, TD Reply was able to connect the dots by developing a holistic KPIs set common to all 47 markets. In doing so, TD Reply could fill in the blanks between the data sources and drill down the amount of necessary data to the most important ones, facilitating the whole data collection.

Using Miele´s internal data and leveraging the powerful alliance of social listening, web analytics, search engines and data science via direct source connections, TD Reply could give context to the smart data to derive BIG insights. The Miele Dashboard Rollout was released in several waves. It went first live with 12 pilot markets, followed by 15 additional ones and finally 20 more markets joined the data-driven journey. Along the way, many new dashboard views tailored to answer specific business questions were developed, running advanced analytics within the Miele Dashboard.

Workshops all over the world were conducted in order to introduce the data-driven marketing culture and the Miele Dashboard in each market. In doing so, we were able to understand better the local specifics and tailor the Dashboard to their specific needs while understanding the global relevance.


  • 12 pilot markets were already integrated in the Dashboard within the first 6 months
  • A data-driven marketing dashboard available in 47 subsidiaries from Miele
  • 7 views available answering various business questions and creating synergies among markets
  • 234 users driving decisions based on data and allowing data democracy throughout the company
  • Providing actionable insights to local management while allowing global transparency for global decision makers