From Marketing Mix to Marketing Effect Modelling
With the end of cookies looming on the horizon, companies are searching for news ways to measure marketing effectiveness and to strenghten their brand.

TD Reply Presents the First Predictive COVID-19 Dashboard
The first COVID-19 dashboard powered by predictve analytics is here.

Trend Report “From Automation to Autonomy”
Our newest trend report takes a close look into the rapidly developing area of Autonomous Things (AT) using the SONAR data-driven trend research tool.

Chinese New Year Special: Germans vs Chinese
We thought it would be a fun idea to ask them some questions that we - as non-Chinese Berliners - always wanted to ask. So we did!

What We Can Learn from China’s Digital Economy
Why marketers should keep a close eye on the Chinese advertising industry.

The Most Talked About Automotive Brands on Singles‘ Day
We looked into how Chinese and international automotive brands performed in terms of online buzz during the Singles' Day actions.

Committed to Making the Diabetes Roller Coaster a Smoother Ride
We are exploring a data-driven approach to help people with Type I diabetes.

“Data Night Out Workshop” Held in Berlin
TD Reply teamed up with the Berlin-based CX specialists Experience One to hold a free data literacy workshop for non-profits.

Measuring Creativity: Is There a Better Way?
Measuring creativity is a tricky business. Yet there's no way around it for marketers. Can new technologies can make their lives easier?

GCCL Award for Joint Project with Coca-Cola
The Advanced Outlet Segmentation project co-developed by TD Reply was chosen as a winner among many international top cases.