October 16, 2024 SpringerProfessional GER Is the Chinese car industry more innovative?Local manufacturers in China are surpassing international brands, particularly in the hybrid and electric vehicle sectors. TD Reply offers insights into consumer behavior and market trends, underscoring the urgency for international brands to quickly adapt to evolving customer expectations in this key market.
September 23, 2024 Netzpalaver GER Understanding the Chinese automotive marketChina is shifting from a market dominated by Western brands to one led by local manufacturers, producing 25% of the world's cars in 2023. As consumer preferences move towards hybrid and electric vehicles, international automakers face challenges adapting, with companies like TD Reply offering crucial insights for navigating this evolving landscape.
April 9, 2024 CIO GER Lufthansa improves customer experience with AILufthansa has implemented a Customer Insight Hub to enhance customer experience by analyzing feedback using generative AI. This platform, developed in collaboration with TD Reply, automatically categorizes customer reviews and assesses their sentiment to provide comprehensive insights.
March 15, 2024 planung&analyse GER How the "Brand Depot" enables holistic brand planning and managementAccording to Dr. Tobias Reckmann of TD Reply, survey-based brand measurement methods have severe limitations. A new metric combining various established and new measures could enable more thorough brand assessments and holistic management.
February 21, 2024 Business Wire ENG Lufthansa Elevates Customer Experience With TD Reply’s AI-enhanced Analytics PlatformLufthansa Group's innovative Customer Insight Hub is designed to enhance understanding of customer needs, desires, and concerns through sophisticated AI-supported analysis.
January 22, 2024 Adzine GER How intelligent will AI make media buying?Niklas Stog, Partner at TD Reply, states that the democratization and use of generative AI can enhance tools for improving conversion rates and automating the selection of efficient creatives, potentially advancing Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) while introducing new challenges for agencies.
July 23, 2023 HORIZONT GER Here's how to break the vicious circle of performance marketingMarketing is often seen as a lever to drive short-term sales rather than a long-term growth engine. What can marketers do to combat short-termism in the industry? The key lies in the correct measurement of the brand, as Tobias Reckmann from the Berlin-based marketing and innovation consultancy TD Reply points out in his guest article.
April 6, 2023 Adzine GER Geolytics als Brücke zwischen Kaufbereitschaft und Verfügbarkeit im LadenTD Reply hat mit Geolytics eine innovative Methode entwickelt, um die Kaufbereitschaft der Konsumenten mit der physischen Verfügbarkeit von Produkten an den jeweiligen Standorten zu verbinden. Niklas Stog von TD Reply gibt in diesem Interview Antworten auf Fragen rund um Geolytics.
February 15, 2023 stores+shops GER Geodaten für den stationären EinzelhandelTD Reply stellt seinen innovativen Ansatz zur Nutzung von Geodaten zur Identifizierung und Optimierung physischer Outlets vor.
February 14, 2023 WUV GER Analyse: Das waren die zehn besten Spots beim Super Bowl 2023TD Reply hat mithilfe des Data Creativity Score-Algorithmus die Werbespots beim Super Bowl 2023 analysiert, um herauszufinden, was die objektiv besten Spots waren.
November 24, 2022 The Drum ENG Singles’ Day: which fashion brands garnered the most attention?Marketing and innovation consultancy TD Reply used Chinese social media data to investigate which fashion brands were able to attract the most buzz on Singles’ Day 2022.
November 23, 2022 Adzine GER Daten-Trends in der Digitalwerbung für 2023ADZINE hat sechs Datenexpertinnen und -experten gefragt, welche Trends sie am Horizont ausmachen können, die der Werbekosmos 2023 auf dem Schirm haben sollte.
October 17, 2022 Adzine GER Vorbild Patagonia: Wie Marken Haltung zeigen könnenTD Reply nimmt sich in einem neuen Whitepaper dem Thema Kommunikation von Haltung an und spricht in diesem Artikel über die Kernpunkte.
July 6, 2022 planung&analyse GER Einfach richtig zuhören: Listening-Ansatz für die systematische Trendforschung mit Daten und KITrendforschung ist häufig unsystematisch und basiert nicht auf soliden Datengrundlagen. Abhilfe schaffen datengetriebene und KI-gestützte Methoden wie Expert Listening, Social Listening und Search Listening.
April 8, 2022 The Drum ENG Battling for China’s gen Z, dynamic positioning is key for western luxury brandsWinning over Chinese gen Zers ranks very high on the priority list of Western luxury brands. TD Reply's Lars-Alexander Mayer on why dynamic brand positioning is key.
February 17, 2022 The Drum ENG Brand accounts for 40% of sales success, according to social listening dataNew data-driven brand measurement approaches allow us to find out exactly to what extent the brand contributes to overall business success. The results are astonishing.
January 27, 2022 Adzine GER Cookiecalypse zum Trotz: Werbewirkungsmessung mit AI und StatistikLars-Alexander Mayer, Geschäftsführer von TD Reply, über die drohende “Cookiecalypse” und was Statistik verknüpft mit den richtigen Tools leisten kann.
December 6, 2021 Adzine GER TD Reply - Marketing-Beratung verschmolzen mit Tech und KITD Reply's Firmenprofil im Tech-Finder von Adzine.
November 23, 2021 The Drum ENG Singles’ Day: Chinese fashion brands overshadow the restTD Reply analyze social media data from China to find out which fashion brands generated the most buzz during Singles’ Day 2021. The results have surprised the analysts.
October 12, 2021 GER Neue Messansätze zeigen: Marke macht 40 Prozent des Erfolgs ausTD Reply's Lars-Alexander Mayer introduces Digital Brand Equity, an innovative data-driven brand measurement and steering approach, and explains why it is superior to common survey-based approaches.
September 17, 2021 FAZ GER Algorithmus sieht Wahlspot der Grünen vorneTD Reply used its Data Creativity Score (DCS) algorithm to objectively rank the election ads of the six major German parties.
April 6, 2021 Adzine GER Share of Search als mächtige Metrik im AdvertisingWith the help of Share of Search, we were able to increase the relative market share of our customer in an Asian growth market.
March 3, 2021 WARC ENG Using regional share of search to hack brand growthAt TD Reply, we have been using share of search for several years as a cost-effective, timely, and accurate method for answering a wide range of high-level marketing strategy questions.
March 2, 2021 MarTech Series ENG How to Start Creating the Change Advertising NeedsAdvertisers should ask themselves today how to make advertising less noisy and intrusive. Advertisers need to make the industry-relevant again, rather than continuing their hyper-targeting game plan in the post-cookie era.
February 15, 2021 Horizont GER So unterschiedlich urteilen Mensch und Maschine über die ADC- und Effie-GewinnerTD Reply applied the DCS campaign effectiveness measurement algorithm to winning German campaign - with surprising results.
December 16, 2020 WUV GER BMW macht die Marke zum Erlebnis - auch in der KriseTD Reply supports the BMW Group in the conception and implementation of experiential marketing with the help of digital data.
November 18, 2020 WUV GER Wie Modemarken in China Buzz erzielenWhich fashion brands generated the most attention on this year's Singles' Day? A buzz analysis by TD Reply provides answers.
November 16, 2020 WUV GER Das Marketing muss sich emanzipierenThe marketing industry must emancipate itself from the tech giants and take on a leadership role again. Otherwise it will become irrelevant, says TD Reply's Lars-Alexander Mayer.
November 13, 2020 WARC ENG Marketers – Focus on your business, not the technologyToo many companies are obsessed by technology and data, yet few have experienced significant improvements in ROI as a result of personalisation.
November 12, 2020 Horizont GER Vor welchen Herausforderungen das Marketing stehtIn its newly released report, the marketing consultancy TD Reply took an in-depth look at the challenges facing marketing today.
September 29, 2020 WUV GER Wie sich Vereine global erfolgreich vermarktenTD Reply's white paper "Global Brand Steering for Football Clubs" provides insights into what European football clubs can do to strengthen brand across emerging football markets.
September 18, 2020 Absatzwirtschaft GER Studien der Woche: Sportbranche, Smart Speaker, DirektvertriebIn a white paper, marketing and innovation consultancy TD Reply has presented a modern approach to global brand management for European soccer clubs.
July 29, 2020 Horizont GER Scheitern war vorhersehbar, jetzt müssen die Werbungtreibenden ranTD Reply's CEO on why the joint Google-AGF project for the creation of a unified video measurement currency was doomed to fail.
June 24, 2020 GER Bundesliga: Nach diesen BL-Klubs suchen die Chinesen am häufigsten im InternetUtilizing Baidu search data, the digital consultancy TD Reply has investigated which clubs the Chinese search for most frequently on the Internet.
June 18, 2020 planung&analyse GER Für die Zeit nach der CookiecalypseThe post-cookie era will clear the way for hybrid approaches that combine classic marketing theory with new data technologies and allow far more effective use of digital data.
June 17, 2020 WUV GER Studie: Das sind die Lieblingsvereine der ChinesenTD Reply analyzed the impact of the Bundesliga restart on Chinese consumers and created a ranking of the most popular German players and clubs in China.
June 3, 2020 WUV GER Marketer sollen Daten-Analysten werden? Ein IrrwegNowadays it's popular to think that marketers should nowadays also be data analysts. We don't agree. There is a better way.
May 6, 2020 Tagesspiegel GER Vorhersagemodelle: Zeit für einen DiskursAbout the role of predictive models during the COVID-19 crisis and why the public is not yet ready to deal with sophisticated predictions.
April 27, 2020 Automobilwoche GER Ausländische Marken in China weniger gesuchtTD Reply's study shows that in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, Chinese automotive brands are gaining traction, while interest in international brands fades.
March 16, 2020 The Drum ENG From marketing mix to marketing effect modellingMarketing Effect Modelling combines classical marketing mix modelling and real-time tracking to enable marketers to track their marketing ROI live.
February 21, 2020 Horizont GER Warum Marketing-Mix-Modelling jetzt ein Comeback feiertWith the end of the cookie era approaching, the demand for new ways to assess and increase marketing effectiveness is growing.
February 2, 2020 Confartigianato Imprese IT Cina, il business si fa. Ma prima, si ascolta con l’intelligenza artificialeTD Reply's AI-driven consumer intelligence platform China Beats allows Western businesses to be successful in winning the highly competitive China market.
December 11, 2019 Horizont GER Marke vs. Performance: Klassische Marketingtheorie statt Schablonendenken!Lars-Alexander Mayer, Partner at TD Reply, on why classical marketing theory and data-driven marketing should go hand in hand.
November 18, 2019 W&V GER Diese Automarken interessierten Chinesen am Singles' DayUsing an elaborate buzz analyzis, TD Reply assessed which car brands performed the best in China during the Singles' Day promotions.
November 14, 2019 The Drum ENG Chinese tech companies are leading the new global innovation revolutionAnja Kielmann on why Chinese tech giants are the principle drivers of innovation in the world today how they are changing the advertizing industry too.
August 22, 2019 The Drum ENG Measuring creativity: Is there a better way?Creativity needs to be measured. Yet common measurement approaches come with substantial pitfalls. The Data Creativity Score offers a fresh perspective.
August 9, 2019 Adzine GER Kreativität von Werbekampagnen auf Knopfdruck messenThe Data Creativity Score by TD Reply is the new data-driven analytics approach that enables an objective measurement of creativity.
July 11, 2019 The Drum ENG The real, much-overlooked value of data for marketingMarketers state that they fail to derive real business value from their data. The problem is often a rather narrow understanding of data.
June 25, 2019 Adzine GER Deutsches Social Listening Tool soll Advertisern chinesische Kunden verständlich machenTD Reply's China Beats is a new consumer intelligence paltform that makes the Chinese market and consumer understandable for Western businesses.
June 25, 2019 MrWeb ENG TD Reply Launches 'China Beats' BI SolutionTD Reply's consumer intelligence platform China Beats promises companies a superior understanding of the Chinese market and its key players.
May 27, 2019 WUV GER Nach 20 Jahren: Mitgründer Drüner verlässt TD ReplyTD Reply co-founder Prof. Dr. Marc Drüner leaves the company chair to pursuit academic projects in China. Lars-Alexander Mayer assumes company leadership.